CD - 3 Presentations by Aya: Intro to Sacred Geometry, Vesica Piscis & Labyrinths
Intro to Sacred Geometry CD

Three Sacred Geometry PowerPoint Presentations on cd, created by Aya (2005)
1st: An Overview of Sacred Geometry.
2nd: Vesica Piscis, the Womb of Manifestation.
3rd: The Labyrinth: A Mini-Pilgrimage to the Self.

3 Sacred Geometry Power Point Presentations:
Intro to Sacred Geometry, Vesica Piscis & Labyrinths

1st Presentation: An Overview of Sacred Geometry (92 slides)
The basics:
1.1.  What is Sacred Geometry ?  Why Sacred Geometry now ?
1.2.  Brief History…
1.3.  Phi, the Golden Ratio & the Fibonacci Numbers
1.4.  The Pentagon / Pentagram & 5 Platonic Solids
1.5.  Golden & Traditional Geometries
A Tour of Sacred Geometry (from microcosm to macrocosm):
2.1.  Atoms, Molecules & DNA
2.2.  Sacred Geometry in Minerals & Crystals
2.3.  Sacred Geometry in Animals
2.4.  Sacred Geometry in Plants
2.5.  Harmonics of the Human Body
2.6.  Sacred Geometry in Music, Science & Mathematics
2.7.  Sacred Geometry in Architecture, Art & Culture
2.8.  Celestial Harmonics

2nd Presentation: Vesica Piscis, the Womb of Manifestation (95 slides)
1.  Definitions
2.  Sacred Geometries of the Vesica
3.  Vesica as Form Generator
4.  Vesica Medieval Seals
5.  Vesica Symbolism
6.  Vesicas in Romanesque Art
7.  Vesica as Doorway
8.  Contemporary Vesicas

When we behold a Vesica, a  question is arising:
“Who is looking back at me,
from within the Eye of this Vesica?”


3rd Presentation: The Labyrinth, a Mini-Pilgrimage to the Self (98 slides)
Labyrinth & Maze. Cycles of History
Labyrinths: community builders. Stepping into the Labyrinth
History of Labyrinths (Part A):
1.1  Ancient Labys
1.2  Roman Mosaic Labys
1.3  Labys around the world
1.4  Church Labys
Labyrinths Esoteric Lore:
2.1  The Chartres Labyrinth
2.2  The 7-Rings Labyrinth
2.3  Cosmology & Astrology
2.4  Geomancy & Dowsing
2.5  Self-Integration Techniques
History of Labyrinths (part B):
3.1  Field Labys
3.2  Turf Labys
3.3  Renaissance Art Labys
3.4  Garden Labys
Contemporary Resurgence:
4.1  The Story of Grace Cathedral
4.2  New Pioneers & Facilitators
4.3  Lap-top & Canvas Labys
4.4  Community Labys
The Promise of the Labyrinth (“You cannot get lost”)
The Gift of the Labyrinth (“The path is under your very feet”)