The StarWheel Mandalas Coloring Book
StarWheel Mandalas Coloring Book


The StarWheel Mandalas Coloring Book is a classic.
This latest edition offers over 100 pages of line drawings
spanning 8 series of StarWheels:
complete mandalas, outlines, core designs, details, studies...
Spiral bound. - 8.5 x 11 - Rainbow colors dividers.

Kids love it!
Great for group mandalas creation and art classes.

Enlarge the designs calling you
and use them to play with your own colors,
your own sounds and your own dances.

Happy Mandala Ring!

Click here to download some designs from the SW Coloring Book

Introduction to the SW Coloring Book (2003 Edition)


The forms offered here are simply pointing to the non-form at their center:

These visuals are a sampling of line drawings (core designs & details) recorded from a growing family of large size "neo-mandalas" paintings: the STAR-WHEELS. Created by artist Aya, the Starwheels speak the universal language of color-sounds, archetypal symbols and sacred geometry. The StarWheels originate in a Spirit Vision, supported by the StarWheel Foundation: 12 series of 12 mandala templates acting as "Frequency Holograms" for global sacred celebrations.

As mandalas, the StarWheels are a spirit dance practice between the center and the periphery of Yourself. They are an opportunity to become the very weaving of Awareness dissolving the veils between form and non-form, outside and inside, manifestation and source...

This anthology also contains some designs for personal mandalas commissioned through Aya, as well as various studies & compositions.

Know that this Coloring Book is a living dance partner. Do blow up the designs you feel attracted to and use them to PLAY with your colors and their sounds - or their full silence. A suggestion: gather a few cosmic kids (including yourself) and enjoy a group color-in party around an enlarged design. Happy Faery Ring!

May the StarWheels be an inspiration to co-create together,
with our beautiful Mother Earth,
a new era of Global Peace and Respect for all Life.


For ourselves and the generations to come.


In  Love, Joy & Recognition,
